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We ship Tuesdays and Fridays via USPS, FedEx, and UPS.
Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing. We are based in the US and it is impossible to anticipate if or how much you will be taxed when the order arrives. Please be sure to do research on how taxes on imported products work before placing your order.
How do i read the Empress Deck?
You may notice that the tarot reading booklet comes with two interpretations/readings for each card. Also, that there are multiples of each card. Well, it’s really up to you and how you feel! Here’s what you can do. Look through the deck. Do any of the cards speak to you? Keep them in for your readings. Do some of the variants feel too repetitive or don’t add any additional value? Take them out. Trim your deck down to one of each card if you’d like. While making the card variants, I tried to include colors or weather/elements that an oracle might be able to interpret differently. Does winter give you a different feel than summer? Does the air element mean something special to you? What about colors?
For the two different readings in the booklet, you could interpret them as an outer & inner perspective, or as upright and reverse readings. But if one part does not resonate with you, perhaps the other one does. Whenever I do tarot readings, I will read both upright and reverse meanings, and reflect on what the card is telling me about my current situation. Most often, the card and its orientation is eerily accurate, but sometimes the upright/reverse doesn’t apply at all, but the opposite does, so I go with that.
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How do I order wholesale?
Online and Brick and Mortar retailers wholesale accounts are available. Send us a message about what products you want with some information on your store.
I love your art/design, can I commission or further support you?
Yes, Brenda is available for art & design work. Let her know what you have in mind here. Character portraits, logos and branding, package design, book cover design, stickers, apparel, type layout (modules, rule books, etc.), whatever your heart desires. She also has a Patreon! Consider becoming a monthly patron.